Review: Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

My rating: 5 stars!

Passenger  is the first book in the Passenger duology by The Darkest Minds author Alexandra Bracken.


“Passage, n.
i. A brief section of music composed of a series of notes and flourishes.
ii. A journey by water; a voyage.
iii. The transition from one place to another, across space and time.

In one devastating night, violin prodigy Etta Spencer loses everything she knows and loves. Thrust into an unfamiliar world by a stranger with a dangerous agenda, Etta is certain of only one thing: she has traveled not just miles but years from home. And she’s inherited a legacy she knows nothing about from a family whose existence she’s never heard of. Until now.

Nicholas Carter is content with his life at sea, free from the Ironwoods—a powerful family in the colonies—and the servitude he’s known at their hands. But with the arrival of an unusual passenger on his ship comes the insistent pull of the past that he can’t escape and the family that won’t let him go so easily. Now the Ironwoods are searching for a stolen object of untold value, one they believe only Etta, Nicholas’ passenger, can find. In order to protect her, he must ensure she brings it back to them—whether she wants to or not.

Together, Etta and Nicholas embark on a perilous journey across centuries and continents, piecing together clues left behind by the traveler who will do anything to keep the object out of the Ironwoods’ grasp. But as they get closer to the truth of their search, and the deadly game the Ironwoods are playing, treacherous forces threaten to separate Etta not only from Nicholas but from her path home… forever.” (goodreads)

I was intrigued by this book from the get go. My friend had been on to me to read it for several months, and I finally picked it up! I have never read any of Alexandra Bracken’s other novels, but the synopsis of Passenger seemed to tick all the boxes: historical fiction, time travel and roooooomance.

I absolutely LOVED this book. I devoured it in a couple of sittings. I originally bought the book in paperback, but I have now pre-ordered Wayfarer (the second instalment) in hard cover and I am purchasing Passenger in hard cover next pay day!

I honestly enjoyed everything about it, but lets discuss the different components in a bit more depth.

World Building

So Passenger isn’t a high fantasy, so it has not created its’ own universe, but it did so much with the different places the character’s visited, and the world of time travel. Throughout the novel, Etta and Nicholas visit various different countries in different time periods, and the description of these places actually made me feel like I was there.

The way the time travel worked was really cool too, it focused more on the actual places they go and the experiences they have there, and the process of time travel and how it is done didn’t take over the whole plot, which I was thankful for. It parts, I did find it a bit confusing (mucking up different timelines and what not), but I thiiiink I got the hang of it by the end of the book.

The concept and the history of the world of time travel was extremely well thought out!


I lovedddddd the plot! Not only is there the whole over-arching plot of the hunt that Nicholas and Etta go on, and all the places that they visit. But I loved all of the little subplots and everyone’s little agendas that brought about twists and turns that I wasn’t expecting.

I literally cannot wait to see what happens in the next book! (If you want to talk to me in more depth and flail with me about events, leave a comment but mark it SPOILERS!) I HAVE A LOT TO FLAIL ABOUT!

And my favourite part of any book, the characters!

Etta is amazing. I love her! I want her to be my best friend! She is so STRONG and takes no shit from anyone! She has a smart mouth and she is really funny, and she handled this whole ridiculous situation with some form of grace. I love her so much, did I mention that?

Nicholas was one of my favourite male characters of the year. He was great not only as a love interest, but as a protagonist. He was so strong, and caring and lovely and just STOIC. I love him, I cannot wait to read more about his story!

Sophia drove me absolutely insane, but she has purpose and I guess she can act like a cow if she has purpose? She knows what she wants and I respect that!



So there you have it! My feelings and thoughts on Passenger by Alexandra Bracken.

I strongly suggest you give this book a go, you will not be disappointed! 



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